Millennium Wall – Warwick Town Centre
This was a local community project we were very proud to have undertaken.
The quotation below is from the Millennium Tile Wall Commemorative booklet and sums up about what this unique project was about.
Created by 2000 Warwick schoolchildren in the year 2000, the Millennium Tile Wall decorates a corner of Warwick Market Square, the steps leading down to Theatre Street.
Children from all ten Warwick State Schools took part in the project, from three year olds at Warwick Nursery to teenagers at Aylesford Secondary School. The idea was first suggested by Anne Miller, Head of Emscote Infant School at a meeting of local head teachers in 1998. From the outset there was enthusiastic support from all quarters, and a group of head teachers set about making the dream a reality.
Robin Wade, Stratford upon Avon based ceramic artist, was commissioned to direct the project and oversee the work in schools. The theme of the design was Time and the Elements. The children each designed their own tile from an aspect of the overarching theme. Their work was grouped together by the artist to form a creative whole, so that each individual child’s unique contribution became part of the greater whole. This ambitious £24,000 project was funded totally from charitable donations and school fund raising. The schools and children will always be indebted to those who gave so generously.
Anne Miller’s vision was to involve all the families in Warwick, through their children, in creating a lasting symbol of unity and co-operation to mark the Millennium. It was a proud moment for everyone involved when the Tile Wall was officially opened on 10th November 2000 by James Plaskitt, MP. Hopefully in years to come, the children who made the tiles will revisit the wall again and again with their own children and grandchildren, and say to them. “Do you know, back in the year 2000, I helped make that wonderful tile wall”.

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